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Local Heroes - Your streets were their streets Local Heroes - Your streets were their streets

The names of 197 local men who lost their lives in World War I are
inscribed on the bells of the Memorial Community Church in Plaistow. They are our local heroes

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Sketch of the bells by Tom Kidd

The ten bells were cast by Gillett & Johnston, Croydon in 1925. This is from their tuning records:

West Ham, Central Mission E 15 (Essex)

Gillett & Johnston catalogues: Chime of ten, tenor 9-1-26 in A, supplied by Gillett & Johnston in 1925; Gillett & Johnston catalogue, October 1928: “Chimes” – West Ham Central Mission (1925) 10, 9¼” cwt

Croydon foundry records: Chime of ten, 1925

1. Gillett & Johnston, 1925                 19”      1-1-21

2. Gillett & Johnston, 1925                 20”      1-2-18

3. Gillett & Johnston, 1925                 21”      1-3-21

4. Gillett & Johnston, 1925                 22”      2-0-22

5. Gillett & Johnston, 1925                 24½”   2-3-9

6. Gillett & Johnston, 1925                 26”      3-1-21

7. Gillett & Johnston, 1925                 27½”   4-0-0

8. Gillett & Johnston, 1925                 29”      4-3-7

9. Gillett & Johnston, 1925                 323/16”               6-0-26

10. Gillett & Johnston, 1925               36½”   9-1-26 in A sharp

Similar details are on this certificate which also lists the dedications:

Gillett and Johnston certificate re bells